When the Hypocrisy of the Church Ends… So Shall This Pandemic— It Will Be No Sooner. Period! {Warning… Many Christians A'int Gonna Like This 'S'}
What you are about to read may sound somewhat controversial… So… #1) Make sure you read it all… and #2) You understand it all… before #3) You go out and Tell it all. I could follow up the question in the subject/title here and load it up with a lot of biblical passages. I am not. Mainly because it’s a question that most Christians have enough scripture to understand and derive the clarity of this post. I offer one passage for those who chose to read the message of Jeremiah when directed to make a visit to the potter’s house. (Oh… you should have already figured out the ‘S’ in the subject is Sermon. ” ) So, I preach now. One of the most alarming moments early in the pandemic was the closing of many doors of the houses of worship. People were being guided/forced/directed to stop indoor gatherings of 20+ persons. And yes, that’s what millions of people were doing on Sunday’s and Wednesday’s (primarily). It must be thoroughly understood that ‘out of the building and out of